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For foreigner/WORLD Interview

[English] 'Funeral Collective' CEO Ramon(@unkoldass) Interview.

by LAZYPIPE 2024. 5. 23.

Since recently managing Pipe Magazine,
I've been sharing news from various companies and capturing the shared news to post on Instagram stories.

Out of 10 posts, 8 or 9 just get a like or a simple thank you.
(Of course, I'm not expecting anything, but it does feel a bit lonely.)

However, here's a brand that,
after seeing the shared news on Pipe Magazine,
not only said it was cool but also offered support, engaged in conversations, and answered various questions.

I prepared an interview with this brand.

Let's get to know Funeral Collective's CEO,
Ramon (@unkoldass)!


Ramon aka bloody


Before we start the interview, could you please introduce yourself as there might be people who don’t know you yet?
 My names Ramon(ruh-mon) but the community knows me as bloody or unk.

Congratulations on reaching 5k followers on Instagram recently! When and how did you start fingerboarding, and how did you get into Funeral Collective?
 Basically back in the end of 2020 i was preparing to have my first child and was looking for something to entertain myself at home seeing as i knew i wouldn’t be able to skate near as much as before. 
a few months in i noticed there was little to none black owned fb companies so i felt like i had to make a difference.


Why did you choose the name Funeral Collective? Does it have a specific meaning?
 Honestly just always liked the dark aesthetic and wanted something like that and funeral came about. added the collective on a few months later when i joined up with pock and he felt like something was missing and that’s when he added collective to it.

The atmosphere in your YouTube and Instagram videos is really unique. Where do you draw inspiration from, and how do you create such a vibe?
 That’s where the collective comes in everything we do comes from skateboarding and each other. we all had our own seperate but similar vibe pre funeral and we just brought it all together and naturally all just work great together.

Funeral Collective's Full Length Videos.


I really enjoyed Funeral Collective ‘Full Court’ and ‘Volume 1’. 

There are few fingerboard companies or people who produce full-length videos.

What made you decide to create full-length videos?
 Again just something i took from growing up skateboarding for the last 20 years. it was what i looked forward to the most in skateboarding so had to bring that aspect in. not saying we are the first but imo we def sparked a chain of full lengths coming out. 


The intros and music in your videos seem to have a distinct style of your own. What do you consider important when making videos?
 Just try to take elements from skateboarding and incorporate it in our fb videos as much as possible and not do any crazy unrealistic tricks and mix it up with the camera angles gotta keep the audiences attention.

Funeral Collective has been around for almost three years now. Have there been any issues or fun experiences while running it?
 Plenty if issues it’s all trial and error. i had zero clue what i was doing getting into it. still learning to this day. and everything has been a blast! vous definitely is the highlight though.

During your operation, you must have heard a lot of requests for sponsorship. Could you talk about the fingerboarders sponsored by your brand and how you decided to sponsor them? Also, if you have anything to say to those who ask for sponsorship without reason!
 Honestly we are pretty picky about who we put on. it’s more than the fingerboarding that we look for.

and as for the random requests that’s def not the way to go about it. if you want to ride for a specific brand just support and build a genuine connection with the brand and if your what they are looking for you’ll get noticed.


Funeral Collective의 데크들.


Your deck graphics are really cool. Who designs them, and where do you get your ideas from?
 Pock has designed every funeral graphic besides like 3-4 of them. and man that all comes from the mind of pock. 

What is your favorite brands or fingerboarders?
 Outside of my own brand i’d say jnky.radio and dum1 are the top brands im a fan of and as for fingerboarders i’d chris patrenik and sam aronie.


I’m curious about the future plans of Funeral Collective and your own plans!
 Just continue doing what we’ve been doing and try to keep evolving. as for me plan to get back on track with my brand and  be the best father i can to my kids. 

Finally, if you have anything you’d like to say to the Korean fingerboard scene, feel free to do so!
 Keep killing it out there much love from funeral!

Thank you. I hope everything you do goes well. 
 My pleasure! and hope you keep up with this mag as well your doing gods work!





Ramon(bloody)'s Instagram




Funeral Collective's Website




BOUS34 $45.00


Funeral Collective's Youtube Channel



Funeral Collective








interview by : minki cho(@lazypipefb)
photos : @unkoldass, @funeral.co instagram, youtube